Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS

The web hosting service Lolek Hosted has been taken down by a collaborative effort between US law enforcement agencies, Europol, and the Polish Central Cybercrime Bureau. Lolek Hosted, known for its “bulletproof” hosting services that facilitate illegal activities, such as distributing malware and launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, had all its servers seized and its administrators arrested. The service’s homepage now displays a banner informing users of its domain seizure by the FBI and the IRS. This takedown highlights the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat cybercrime and protect businesses from the threats posed by such illicit web hosting services.

Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS


In a joint effort by US law enforcement agencies, the Polish Central Cybercrime Bureau, and Europol, the illegal web hosting service Lolek Hosted has been taken offline. Lolek Hosted, a notorious “bulletproof” web hosting service, was accused of facilitating criminal activities such as distributing malware and launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. All servers belonging to Lolek Hosted have been seized, and its five administrators have been arrested.

Details of the Takedown Operation

The takedown of Lolek Hosted involved collaboration between multiple law enforcement agencies, including Europol, the FBI, the IRS, and the Polish Central Cybercrime Bureau. These agencies joined forces to dismantle the infrastructure of the web hosting service. The operation aimed to disrupt the criminal activities that were being facilitated by Lolek Hosted, ensuring the safety and security of the online environment.

Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS

Activities of Lolek Hosted

Lolek Hosted operated as a “bulletproof” web hosting service, meaning that it turned a blind eye to the activities carried out by its users. The service had been openly marketing its services to cybercriminals, using slogans like “You can host anything here!” and “no-log policy” to attract potential users. The latter referred to the service’s feature of not logging any user activity, even for VPN providers, ensuring anonymity for the criminals using their platform.

Collaboration Between Law Enforcement Agencies

The collaboration between law enforcement agencies was crucial in taking down Lolek Hosted. Europol, the FBI, the IRS, and the Polish Central Cybercrime Bureau worked together to gather intelligence, coordinate operations, and seize the servers belonging to the web hosting service. This joint effort demonstrates the global commitment to combating cybercrime and ensuring the safety of the online ecosystem.

Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS

Seizure of Servers and Arrest of Administrators

As part of the takedown operation, all servers belonging to Lolek Hosted were seized by law enforcement agencies. This action effectively rendered the web hosting service inactive and prevented any further criminal activities from taking place on their platform. In addition to seizing the servers, the authorities also apprehended the five administrators responsible for managing Lolek Hosted, ensuring that they are held accountable for their illegal activities.

Promotional Material of Lolek Hosted

Lolek Hosted utilized promotional material that specifically targeted cybercriminals. Their marketing tactics included slogans like “You can host anything here!” and “no-log policy,” highlighting the service’s willingness to host any type of content without logging any user activity. These promotional messages were designed to attract cybercriminals looking for a safe haven to conduct their illegal activities.

Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS

Usage of Lolek Hosted by Cybercriminals

Cybercriminals took advantage of Lolek Hosted’s services to carry out various illegal activities. The web hosting service provided a platform for the distribution of information-stealing malware that would extract sensitive data from victims and be used in future attacks. Additionally, Lolek Hosted facilitated the launch of DDoS attacks, where multiple compromised devices are used to overwhelm a target’s network, causing it to become inaccessible.

Distribution of Information-Stealing Malware

One of the primary activities conducted on Lolek Hosted was the distribution of information-stealing malware. This type of malware is designed to infect victims’ devices and steal sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial data, and personal information. The stolen data can then be used by cybercriminals for fraudulent activities, identity theft, or sold on the dark web.

Illegal Web Hosting Service Lolek Hosted Taken Down by Europol, the FBI, and the IRS

Launch of DDoS Attacks

Lolek Hosted also played a role in enabling the launch of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. DDoS attacks involve overwhelming a target’s network or website by flooding it with a massive amount of traffic. This flood of traffic renders the target inaccessible to legitimate users, causing disruption and potentially leading to financial losses. Lolek Hosted provided the infrastructure and support for cybercriminals to launch such attacks.

Inactive Status of Lolek Hosted

Following the joint takedown operation, Lolek Hosted is now completely inactive. Visitors to their homepage are greeted with a banner explaining that the domain has been seized by US law enforcement agencies, specifically the FBI and the IRS. This significant action was taken in coordination with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida and the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Department of Justice, with substantial assistance from Polish law enforcement.

In conclusion, the takedown of Lolek Hosted is a significant achievement in the fight against cybercrime. The joint effort of law enforcement agencies demonstrates the commitment to safeguarding the online environment and disrupting the activities of cybercriminals. By seizing the servers and arresting the administrators of Lolek Hosted, authorities have successfully dismantled an illegal web hosting service that was facilitating various criminal activities. This operation sends a strong message to cybercriminals that their actions will not go unpunished and serves as a reminder of the importance of collaboration in combating cyber threats.

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